Lois Creamer Presented How to Make Money Speaking
On March 30, 2021, speaking business coach Lois Creamer, presented her program to Professional Presenters Toastmasters.
She started off by painting an uplifting picture of the professional speaking industry filled with opportunity!
Lois gave her background about how she got started in professional speaking and then described her speaker positioning statement as follows:
“I work with speakers, consultants and experts who want to book more business, make more money and fully monetize their intellectual property.”
Then, Lois described the components of a positioning statement and had the audience of 64 divide into breakout rooms to work on developing their own positioning statements.
A few examples were shared with the entire group where she added her “Lois touch” to each positioning statement to make them better.
See the screen shot below featuring Lois Creamer speaking to the group. LOTS of notes were being taken! Names have been blocked out for privacy.
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Professional Speaking Business Tips
After the speaker positioning statement group activity, Lois provided several million-dollar nuggets new and emerging professional speakers need to know. Specifically, she shared how to:
- Use the speaker positioning statement on your website and social media.
- Leave an attractive voicemail for someone who hires speakers using your positioning statement.
- Include your positioning statement in contracts and proposals.
- Develop a speaker one-sheet that gets attention.
- Ask the right questions to get hired (and paid top dollar) as a professional speaker.
- Negotiate for incentives instead of giving a discount just because you’re speaking virtually.
- Generate interest in additional programs and revenue streams beyond the stage.
- Approach a company or association for what Lois calls “after care.”
The presentation ended after 90 minutes where Lois graciously provided a 25-minute Q&A session. She covered topics such as what tools she recommends for courses and groups.
The night ended with Lois’ prediction of where the professional speaking business is headed for the next year and post-Covid.
She expects hybrid events to be the norm for many years to come.
Comments from Audience Members for Lois Creamer
I literally have an inbox of emails full of attendees telling me how much they enjoyed the “Make Money Speaking…Even in a Covid World” presentation by Lois Creamer.
Just a few include:
“I’m still reveling in the afterglow of last night!”
“Thank you for the program last night. It was truly eye opening and I had fun attending and taking part in the break out.”
“I really enjoyed the meeting last night. Lois was great!”
“Lois was a wealth of information and what a delight to listen to her.”
“Thank you so much! Great event!”
If you’re looking for a “tell-it-like-it-REALLY-is” presenter about the speaking business and how to make money as a paid professional speaker, contact Lois Creamer to speak to your group.
Hybrid Events will be a Challenge for Professional Speakers
Lois believes events will be “hybrid” for the foreseeable future.
A hybrid event is one that has a shortlist of attendees in a live and in-person audience at the same location while the majority of attendees are at home watching the show virtually.
This reality poses a challenge to all professional speakers. Those who have become used to speaking to a live and in-person audience will be challenged to develop programs and present to that live audience as well as turn to the camera and engage with the people at home watching virtually.
Speakers who have entered the speaking business since Covid will have the added challenge of presenting to a live audience where they suddenly have to work-a-room.
One Solution to the Challenge
One reason Professional Presenters Toastmasters asked Lois to present in their virtual group setting is because we know how much Lois endorses Toastmasters.
Toastmasters is the ONLY international organization that supplies a forum for you to practice your presentation skills. By joining a Toastmasters club that specializes in having members who want to become professional speakers (or already are), you can be part of a supportive environment to practice 15, 20 and even 30 minute presentations or longer.
The added bonus is that many Toastmasters clubs are planning for, or have already transitioned to, hybrid meetings.
So, if you join the right club, you can get the practice and experience you’ll need when getting hired to speak to companies, associations, and other conference level speaking opportunities where hybrid is the norm.
If you are already a professional speaker, or are just thinking about entering the professional speaking business, we strongly encourage you to visit our Professional Presenters Toastmasters club.
We meet every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesday (when there is a 5th Tuesday in the month), from 7:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) to 9:00 p.m.
Visit our website and click the Contact Us button on the left navigation bar to request the Zoom ID for our next meeting. We would love to have you as our guest to see how it all works.
Thanks so much to Lois and all who attended. It was a special event for sure and I was honored to be the Master of Ceremonies for the event.