Use These Video Testimonial Examples to Create Your Own
Supplying a video testimonial is one of the greatest gifts you can give to a person…and one of the most treasured surprises you can receive!
Most people shy away from creating them. And, when they do provide one, the video testimonial is often formatted in a way that is unusable by the person it was created for.
This post will guide you through the components of constructing a video testimonial so that it benefits the intended recipient, the viewers of the video…and YOU too!
Yes, there is definitely a way to develop a video testimonial so that you benefit.
What is a Video Testimonial?
A video testimonial is a short video clip, between 20 seconds and 5 minutes, designed to show your official endorsement for a product, service, event or person.
The clip is normally stored on your YouTube channel so that it is available for public viewing…and so that you have control of the video in case you want to take it down one day.